People > Xenophon



Xenophon was an ancient Greek historian, philosopher, soldier, and student of Socrates. He lived during the late 5th and early 4th centuries BCE and is renowned for his historical writings, philosophical works, and accounts of his military experiences. Xenophon was born around 431 BCE in Athens, into a wealthy and influential family. His background afforded him an education in the traditional subjects of rhetoric, philosophy, and military training. Xenophon was a disciple of Socrates, which significantly influenced his philosophical outlook. His writings provide valuable insights into Socratic thought, complementing the works of Plato.

Military Career

The March of the Ten Thousand: Xenophon’s most famous military venture was his participation in the expedition of the Ten Thousand, a large army of Greek mercenaries hired by Cyrus the Younger to dethrone his brother, Artaxerxes II, the Persian king. After Cyrus’ death at the Battle of Cunaxa in 401 BCE, Xenophon played a crucial role in leading the Greeks on their perilous retreat back to Greece, a journey documented in his work "Anabasis" (also known as "The March of the Ten Thousand").

Spartan Service: After his return, Xenophon developed close ties with Sparta, serving under the Spartan king Agesilaus II in campaigns against the Persians and later against Athens during the Corinthian War. His loyalty to Sparta eventually led to his exile from Athens.

Major Works

Anabasis: This seven-book work is Xenophon’s firsthand account of the expedition and the arduous journey back to Greece. It provides detailed descriptions of battles, terrain, and the challenges faced by the mercenaries.

Hellenica: A continuation of Thucydides’ "History of the Peloponnesian War," this work covers Greek history from 411 to 362 BCE, offering insights into the political and military events of the period.

Cyropaedia (The Education of Cyrus): A partly fictional biography of Cyrus the Great, which serves as a treatise on leadership and governance, blending history and philosophy.

Memorabilia: A collection of dialogues and recollections of Socrates, aimed at defending his mentor’s memory and philosophy against his detractors.

Oeconomicus: A Socratic dialogue that discusses household management and agriculture, reflecting Xenophon’s interest in practical affairs and economics.

Symposium: A Socratic dialogue set at a banquet, exploring themes of love, friendship, and the nature of the good life.

Agesilaus: A laudatory biography of the Spartan king Agesilaus II, highlighting his virtues and military achievements.

Philosophical Contributions

Socratic Influence: Xenophon’s philosophical works are characterized by their practical focus, often exploring themes of leadership, ethics, and household management.

Practical Philosophy: Unlike Plato, whose works often delve into abstract theory, Xenophon’s writings are more pragmatic, reflecting his interest in real-world applications of philosophical principles.


Historical Significance: Xenophon’s historical works are invaluable sources for understanding Greek and Persian history, especially the Anabasis, which offers a rare perspective on Persian lands and the challenges faced by Greek soldiers in foreign territories.

Literary Style: His clear and straightforward writing style makes his works accessible and engaging, contributing to their lasting popularity.

Influence on Leadership: Xenophon’s insights on leadership, particularly in the Cyropaedia, have influenced both ancient and modern thoughts on governance and military command.

Xenophon remains a significant figure in ancient Greek literature and history, admired for his diverse contributions as a historian, philosopher, and military leader. His works continue to be studied for their historical content, philosophical insights, and narrative style.

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