Achaemenid Satrapies > Satrapy of Sagartia

Satrapy of Sagartia


The Satrapy of Sagartia was one of the administrative regions of the Achaemenid Empire, located in the central and northern parts of what is now Iran. The Sagartians were a nomadic tribe related to the Medes, and their territory was integrated into the Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great.

Key Features of the Satrapy of Sagartia

  1. Geographical and Strategic Importance:

    • Location: Sagartia was situated in the central and northeastern regions of the Iranian plateau, bordered by Media to the northwest, Parthia to the northeast, and Persis to the south.
    • Strategic Position: The region's location provided a buffer zone against the nomadic tribes from the steppes and facilitated control over the trade routes passing through the Iranian plateau.
  2. Administrative and Military Role:

    • Satrapal Governance: As with other satrapies, Sagartia was governed by a satrap appointed by the Achaemenid king. The satrap was responsible for collecting tribute, maintaining order, and ensuring the loyalty of the local population.
    • Military Contributions: The Sagartians were known for their cavalry and played a significant role in the Achaemenid military. They provided mounted troops for the empire’s campaigns and served as valuable assets in the Persian army.
  3. Economic Activities:

    • Pastoral Nomadism: The Sagartians were primarily pastoral nomads, herding livestock such as sheep, goats, and horses. This lifestyle was well-suited to the arid and semi-arid environment of their region.
    • Agriculture and Trade: In addition to pastoralism, some agricultural activities were practiced in more fertile areas. The region also participated in trade, benefiting from its position along important routes connecting various parts of the empire.
  4. Cultural Aspects:

    • Median Influence: The Sagartians were culturally and linguistically related to the Medes, and their traditions and social structures reflected this connection. They shared many cultural traits with other Iranian peoples within the empire.
    • Integration with Persian Culture: Under Achaemenid rule, Sagartia experienced cultural exchanges with other parts of the empire, integrating some aspects of Persian administrative practices and art.

Historical Interactions and Events

  1. Integration into the Achaemenid Empire:

    • Conquest by Cyrus the Great: The Sagartians were incorporated into the Achaemenid Empire during the conquests of Cyrus the Great. Their integration helped consolidate Achaemenid control over the Iranian plateau.
    • Role in the Empire: As a satrapy, Sagartia contributed to the stability and defense of the empire’s northeastern frontier. The Sagartian cavalry was notably involved in several Achaemenid military campaigns.
  2. Participation in Major Campaigns:

    • Greco-Persian Wars: Sagartian troops participated in the Greco-Persian Wars, contributing cavalry to the Persian forces during key battles such as Marathon, Thermopylae, and Plataea.
    • Revolts and Rebellions: Like other regions, Sagartia experienced occasional unrest and resistance to Achaemenid rule. However, the central authority generally managed to maintain control through military and administrative measures.

Administrative Structure

  1. Satrapal Governance:

    • Satrap’s Role: The satrap of Sagartia was responsible for the administration, tax collection, and security of the region. This included managing relations with the nomadic tribes and ensuring their cooperation with the central government.
    • Local Administration: The Achaemenid administration often worked with local leaders and elites, incorporating them into the governance structure to maintain stability and effective control.
  2. Tribute and Economy:

    • Economic Contributions: The main contributions from Sagartia were in the form of livestock, particularly horses, which were essential for the empire’s cavalry units. Additionally, other agricultural and pastoral products were part of the tribute.
    • Trade Networks: Sagartia’s strategic location facilitated trade between different parts of the Achaemenid Empire, contributing to the economic integration of the region.


  1. Post-Achaemenid Period:

    • Hellenistic Influence: After the fall of the Achaemenid Empire, Sagartia came under the influence of the Hellenistic kingdoms, particularly the Seleucid Empire. The region continued to be significant for its strategic and economic contributions.
    • Parthian and Sassanian Rule: Later, Sagartia became part of the Parthian and Sassanian Empires, retaining its importance in the broader Iranian and Central Asian context.
  2. Cultural Heritage:

    • Archaeological Findings: Archaeological excavations in the region have uncovered artifacts that reflect the Sagartian way of life, including tools, weapons, and items related to their pastoral and nomadic activities.
    • Historical Records: Inscriptions and historical texts provide valuable insights into the administrative and military roles of Sagartia within the Achaemenid Empire, highlighting its contributions to the empire’s stability and expansion.


The Satrapy of Sagartia was an important region within the Achaemenid Empire, known for its strategic location, economic contributions, and military significance. The Sagartians, with their strong cavalry tradition, played a crucial role in the empire’s military campaigns and defense strategies. The integration of Sagartia into the Achaemenid administrative system facilitated the control and stability of the northeastern frontier of the empire. The legacy of the Sagartians continued to influence the region through subsequent empires, leaving a lasting cultural and historical heritage.


J. Markwart, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte von Eran II, Leipzig, 1905, p. 228.

Persian Satrapies

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